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IMU6 Colostrum

True colostrum must be obtained in the first milking taken during the 6 to 8 hrs after birth of the calf!
Colostrum is widely accepted as a vital source of supplement suitable for everyone from infants to the elderly. Benefits of consuming colostrum include an increase in energy, strengthening immune factors, building of muscle, to anti-aging effects like clearer skin & better overall health

What is Colostrum?
In medical terms, colostrum is the pre-milk fluid produced from the mother’s mammary glands during the first 72 hours after giving birth, after which colostrum will be replaced by milk. It is thick & yellow in colour.  
This liquid is especially rich in proteins, antibodies, and other ingredients that protect the young in its new environment and optimize growth processes as well.

Who needs Colostrum?
It has been a misconception that Colostrum suitable only for infants, but there has been extensive research over the years showing that benefits are present in humans (and even other mammal species) of all ages. There are more than 5000 published scientific and medical research studies, 500 patents and 100 published clinical trials on colostrum which makes it one of the most researched nutrition supplements in the world.

Colostrum can supply adults with precious immunoglobulin which are needed to prevent infections and purge diseases from our bodies. It contains vital vitamins and minerals, essential antibody-building nutrients, immune factors, enzymes and other beneficial substances.

When mothers breastfeed their infants, the colostrum in the mother’s milk helps to stimulate and augment the infant’s immune system, protecting them from potentially harmful environmental factors and act as an agent to stimulate the development, maturation and proliferation of tissues and organs.

Some of the positive effects of colostrum include accelerating fat-burning, anti-aging properties; regulating mood swings and a more balanced blood sugar level. Colostrum has been closely linked to enhanced physical performance, accelerated recovery, and promoting wound and tissue healing. Colostrum also has epithelial (skin) growth hormones which stimulates accelerated healing. It may also be of significant help to those who suffer from “leaky gut syndrome” and irritable bowel syndrome. Leaky gut syndrome can be triggered by a variety of agents from the use of antibiotics, steroids and anti-inflammatory drugs; through invasive bacteria and viruses, the over intake of caffeine, alcohol and refined foods. Colostrum has immunoglobulin and other factors which can reach the gut intact and attack the invading pathogens.

The concept of using bovine colostrums is not new as it has been use to treat HIV-positive patients with chronic diarrhea and against helicobacter pylori (which causes stomach ulcer)

What makes IMU 6 Colostrum special?
Research has confirmed that bovine (cow) colostrum is nearly identical to human colostrum but it is four times richer in immune factors than human colostrum. Moreover, the supply of bovine colostrum can be controlled and cultivated so that the benefits can reach the masses. What makes IMU 6 stand out amongst all other similar commercially available colostrum is that IMU 6 uses only bovine colostrum extracted during the first 6 hours of a cow’s milk.

Bovine colostrum is used because of its extremely rich source of proteins, immunoglobulin (antibodies) & growth factors. Studies have shown that bovine colostrum milked during the first 6 hours contains the most of these ingredients and decreases gradually with each passing minute, ending at the 72nd hour when colostrum is completely replaced by milk.

Benefits at a glance
- Improves the absorption of nutrient- Increases bone mass- Strengthens the immune system- Regulates body foundation- Prevent autoimmune diseases- Promotes wound healing- Prevents scar formation- Improves metabolism- Burns excess fat- Restores skin elasticity- Prevent premature aging

Protective factors:- Immunoglobulins IgD, IgA, IgM, IgG & IgE (antibodies)- Combat & neutralize harmful viruses & bacteria before they cause serious disease

Regulatory factors:- Regulate and balance immune system


- Stimulate growth and regeneration of cells- Aid the healing of wounds- Help body to burn fat & build up lean muscles- Help to stabilize and balance the blood glucose level


- Rich in vitamin A, C, E, SOD & minerals- Ability to clear free radicals- Protect cells and prevent aging